24 July 2013

Happy vs Sad

Yeah finally I write this post. It bothers me a lot nowadays..

Happy is when :
*You can solve someone's problem eventough you can't solve your own problem.
*You bought something that you want for ages.
*You see something that you love and your mom/dad bought it for you.
*You eat a lot of your favorite foods.
*Watch sweet-romance-comedy-fairytale kind of movie.
*You have an interest on someone and he seems like having interest in you, too.
*Having a quality time with your family.
*Travelling with family 
*Getting closer to all your friends (mentally, heartly, psychologically)
*Having a great event with all your friends, ex : bbq, cinema time, swimming, anyone's birthday treat, etc.
*Going to a trip with your classmates, ex : museum, candi muara takus (part happy, part sad actually ahaha), basket event, circus.
*Night walk/views with someone's close. ex: my family, suwanky, robert, yanti, sw, clod, nove, mita, dkk.
*Volume max, good songs, dancingggg!
*Someone remember small thing about you.
*Have a dream about the boys (Liam hug meeeh!!)  
*The first time I got my own camera in my hand
*Dad bought me a violin
*Gets chocolates on valentine
*Received a gift or surprise
*Joking around with my bests
*Playing with kiddos
*Got a highscore on exam
*Seeing a cute couple, I mean like.. wow true love did exist! :')
*webcam-ing til night and those "lomba bergadang" things with my bests.
*Sleeping around the floor and talking with friends

Sad is when :
*Missing some memories that you know you will never have it back.
*People you like not liking you back
*Find out you are not that special to someone
*being lied
*Sinks into sad songs
*Life doesn't go the way you want
*Drifting apart
*People leave
*Cancel to going somewhere
*Feeling bad (like oh gosh I'm so mean..)
*Did something that hurt someone

I miss grade 10 so much. I think it's the best part of my life. I've never been so happy before. One word to describe it : I got LIFE! ahahaha.

But "You can't hold everything in your hands at once." and I end up messing everything up. yup everything. :'))))

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